WWII Headquarters Bundle - save 44%! | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

WWII Headquarters Bundle - save 44%!
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WWII Headquarters Bundle - save 44%! (56 piece collection of unpainted plastic toy soldiers and accessories) Marx Recast Toy Soldiers | MX412 $141.25$79.00

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
This field headquarters operates near the front lines.
5-piece Marx recast House Ruin
4 Fencibles 2-pc sets of Ruined Building Corners
A Marx recast Jeep with Driver
2 MPC recast Seated G.I.s
8 Fencibles 50-Gallon Oil Drums
4 Fencibles 5-gallon "Jerry Cans"
10 sections of Fencibles Barbed Wire Fencing
Marx recast Rifle Rack
Marx recast Crate of Rifles
Marx recast Officer's Desk and 2-pc Chair
Marx recast Clerk's Desk and Chair
Marx recast Small Writing Desk
Marx recast Telephone Exchange and Chair
Marx recast Table with 2 chairs
Marx recast Oil Lamp
Marx recast File Cabinet
Marx recast Coat Rack
Marx recast Trash Can

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