WWII German Mechanized SS Infantry in Camouflage | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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World War II Toy Soldier Bundles

WWII German Mechanized SS in Camo
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WWII German Mechanized SS in Camo (9 painted plastic figures and a painted plastic German 8-ton half track) Marx Recast Toy Soldiers | MX171p4 $275.00

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Material: Scale:
Painted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
The German 8-ton half track was one of the best work horses in their transport system. Here it is used to bring mechanized infantry quickly to the point of contact. The bundle includes 9 German infantry: 7 fully painted Marx seated Germans painted as Elite S.S. infantry in camouflage uniforms, the vehicle's original driver and a standing officer {not pictured} plus the substantial 20th Century Toys 8-Ton half track. All elements of this set are long-discontinued, but bundled this way we can offer a substantial discount. Mint condition, with the still packed in its original box. Three views are shown: front and side view with the figures, and a photo of the vehicle with its removable canopy. (Figures from the mid-1980s, vehicle made in the early 2000s)

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