WWII British 8th Army - fully painted | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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World War II Toy Soldier Bundles

WWII British 8th Army Churchill Attack - 1 left
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WWII British 8th Army Churchill Attack - 1 left (13 fully painted figures in 13 poses plus painted Churchill tank) Matchbox Originals and Recasts | MAT000901 $241.95$199.00

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Material: Scale:
Painted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
When the British faced off against the Nazis and Fascists in the North African Campaign of World War II, their troops were accompanied by the sturdy Churchill tank. This imposing armored vehicle was one of the heaviest tanks of World War II, designed to batter down enemy positions and support infantry advances. Its armor was such that in the Second Battle of El Alamein, one Churchill was said to have been hit 80 times by enemy fire and was still in action. Doctrine dictated that tanks be accompanied by infantry support, so this bundle includes one Churchill and a set of 13 Matchbox 8th Army, fully painted in authentic uniforms. The Classic Toy Soldiers Churchill tank is compatible with the 1:32 scale toy soldiers in the photo, although its true scale is closer to 1:38. Camouflage patterns vary.
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