Supply Shed - 4-piece building | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

Supply Shed - 4-pc gray building - very low stock!
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Supply Shed - 4-pc gray building - very low stock! (4-piece soft plastic cabin) M.P.C. Originals and Recasts | MPC15b $39.95

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
Use this 4-piece gray building as a supply shed, ranch bunk house, army barracks, H.Q. or other type of wooden structure. Measures 10.5 inches long x 4.5 inches wide x 4.5 inches high. The set comes with a plastic tab on each side of the building floor. We have found it best to snip off the tabs before assembly. Instructions included. (54mm figures shown for scale)

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