Apache Camp | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Small Scale Figures

Small Scale Figures

Apache Camp
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Apache Camp (4 2-pc teepees and 10 figures and many accessories) Atlantic | ATL1106 $7.95

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Material: Scale:
25mm (HO or 1/72nd - about 1 inch high)
This village set includes 4 2-piece teepees, foot and mounted Apaches, 2 totem poles, 2 campfires with roasting meat, 2 burial mounds, 2 skull poles, 2 drying racks with pelts, 2 travois sets.
Photo courtesy of www.plasticsoldierreview.com.
These classic figures are in mint condition, packed in boxes which have never been opened. Atlantic went out of business in 1984, so their beautifully sculpted sets are hard to come by. This deal contains 4 times the number of figures described in the photo.
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