Play Along L.O.T.R. Rohan Army - 6 MINT-ON-CARD | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Painted Plastic

Painted Plastic

Play Along L.O.T.R. Rohan Army - 6  MINT-ON-CARD
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Play Along L.O.T.R. Rohan Army - 6 MINT-ON-CARD (6 mint-on-card sets comprising 8 foot and mounted painted Lord of the Rings figures, 4 horses and a pony ) Play Along LOTR | PLY48000a $86.70$60.00

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Material: Scale:
Painted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
Play Along Rohan Army - 6 mint-on-card sets- dealer stock
Tolkien's Lord of the Rings/Peter Jackson Licensed - mint condition

8 painted 1:32nd scale plastic figures with 4 horses and a pony

The lot includes:

48002 – Rohan Horseman

48008 – Aragorn on Horseback

48011 – Eomer on Horseback

48024 – Merry in Rohan Armor on a Pony

48092 – Theoden Mounted

48112 – Men of Rohan

These items have been stored in our smoke-free, climate-controlled warehouse since they were originally purchased from the manufacturer.

This range of figures and accessories is a tribute to the enduring popularity of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Produced in the 2000s to coincide with the release of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Trilogy, they are equally fun to use in creating setups for The Hobbit. Sculpted with the full cooperation of New Line Cinema, each figure is a true representation of a character from the film. Using computers to capture the actual facial likeness of the actor and his or her original costume, each character is instantly identifiable. The figures are sculpted and painted to a very high degree of detail. Production on this range ceased in 2005.

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