Prison Tower | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

Prison Tower
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Prison Tower (Small building with unique modular castle elements) Playmobil | PLM7377 $49.00

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
This add-on to the traditional Playmobil castle range is a most exciting building, as it features several entirely new elements never offered in any castle set before: a full-sized iron-barred restraining wall; 2 stone walls with removable iron grates set high up on them; a wooden door with an opening cut in to allow food to be issued to the prisoner; a flat brown plank to hold the enclosed ladder in place at the top of the wall and a flagstaff which slots into the crenellated wall. All these pieces can be used with any of the original-version castle sets. (60mm figure shown for scale). Discontinued by Playmobil, but stock still remains.
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