Miners at Work | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Plastic Toy Soldiers

Plastic Toy Soldiers

Miners at Work
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Miners at Work (2 piece set of unpainted soft plastic figures) Atlantic | ATL01210d $25.00

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 60mm (about 2 3/8 inches high)
Atlantic's extensive gold mining range included figures in many different activities related to the task of finding, gathering and selling one's product. The first figure in the set is a prospector who is at work, shoveling ore. The second figure is a prospector who is heaving a pick axe. Use these as workmen in America or abroad during the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Please note that colors of plastic vary from set to set.
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