Original Gordon Highlanders #2 - Hollowcasts | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Our Collection of Painted Metal

Original Gordon Highlanders #2 - Hollowcasts
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Original Gordon Highlanders #2 - Hollowcasts (6 hand painted figures in 4 poses in gloss finish) Britains Metal Toy Soldiers | BRM00003a $72.00

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Material: Scale:
Our Collection of Painted Metal 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
Officer standing with binoculars, one standing firing, two kneeling firing, two prone firing. Dressed for action during the 1882 Battle of Tel el-Kebir during the Egyptian Campaign and in the 1884-85 "Dash for Gordon" in the Sudan Campaign, when trying to relieve the Mahdist siege of Khartoum. All wear kilts displaying the regimental tartan, red tunics and white sun helmets. These are original Britain's hollowcast figures are from the owner's personal collection. They were produced before 1966, when all metal toy soldier manufacturers were required to cease production of their lead toy soldiers. We describe these much-loved figures as being in "good" condition, as they show about 5%-10% paint loss due to wear.

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