One WWII U.S. Anti Tank Gun - green color | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

One WWII U.S. Anti Tank Gun - green color
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One WWII U.S. Anti Tank Gun - green color (Unpainted plastic accessory) BMC Toys | BMC075s $4.95

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
This set includes one anti-tank gun, although several views are shown in the photo. The model measures 4.5 inches long and is made from slightly stiff olive green color HDPE plastic. A 54mm figure is shown for scale.
The 37 mm Gun M3 was the first dedicated anti-tank gun fielded by United States forces in large numbers. Introduced in 1940, it became the standard anti-tank gun of the U.S. infantry with its size enabling it to be pulled by a jeep. Over 18,000 were produced. Like many other light anti-tank guns, the M3 was widely used in the infantry support role and as an anti-personnel weapon, firing high-explosive and canister rounds. Tank mounted variants were used in the Stuart Light Tank M3/M5, the Lee Medium Tank M3, and Greyhound Light Armored Car M8. In addition, the M3 in its original version was mated to a number of other self-propelled carriages.

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