Medieval Man at Arms Advancing with Billhook | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Metal Toy Soldiers

Metal Toy Soldiers

Medieval Man at Arms Advancing with Billhook
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Medieval Man at Arms Advancing with Billhook (Hand-painted metal figure) Imrie Miniatures | IMRS104 $49.00

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Material: Scale:
Our Collection of Painted Metal 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
The professional soldier of the Middle Ages was called a man-at-arms. Though many specialized in particular weapons, all took pride in being able to use a wide variety of the "tools of the trade". This fellow carries one of the best pole arms of the period, a billhook. This long flat blade, attached to a pole, combines a hook to pull knights off their horses, a thick blade to hack through horses and bodies, and a point to form a "hedge of steel" to force charging cavalrymen to shy away from a formed unit. He also wears a broadsword strapped to his hip, and his shield is never far away.
We paint each Imrie Miniatures figure to order. First, any mold "flash" from the raw metal pieces (which can number up to 6 different elements in foot models and well over a dozen in mounted models) must be trimmed. Then, each model is assembled with a special glue. Next, any gaps are filled in with modeling putty. Then, each figure is primed to seal the metal. Finally, the figure is painted in the toy soldier style.
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