Grenadier - 1st Foot Guards 1805 - Only 2 in stock | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Our Collection of Painted Metal

Grenadier - 1st Foot Guards 1805 - Only 1 in stock
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Grenadier - 1st Foot Guards 1805 - Only 1 in stock (1 painted metal figure) Britains Metal Toy Soldiers | BRM43002 $36.00

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Material: Scale:
Our Collection of Painted Metal 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
This figure wears the stovepipe shako as opposed to the bearskin which was used only for State occasions. The stovepipe was eventually replaced by the belgic shako.
From the William Britain's Redcoats Classic Collection. According to the Britain's 2006 catalog: The Redcoats Collection traces the history of the British Army from the Restoration of Charles II in 1660 up to the present day. Guards, foot, cavalry and artillery regiments will all be covered in the series. The collection begins in 2006 with figures representing the Guards Regiments over the last 346 years. These figures are reminiscent in size, look and feel to the original W. Britain toy soldiers of the early 20th century. While not exact representations of those early Britain's, they very well reflect what William Britain's might have made had he started making toy soldiers in 2006. (Production year: 2006)
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