Crimean War British 57th Regiment Command | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Metal Toy Soldiers

Metal Toy Soldiers

Crimean War British 57th Regiment Command
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Crimean War British 57th Regiment Command (4 painted metal figures with 2 detailed full color flags) Britains Metal Toy Soldiers | BRM43076 $160.00

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Material: Scale:
Our Collection of Painted Metal 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
Britain's last produced a Crimean War series in the 1990s. Beginning with their Charge of the Light Brigade Limited Edition, they created an excellent range of gloss-painted models which perfectly captured the first "modern" war. This series included add-on sets for each of the British cavalry regiments which took part in the charge, add-on sets of 2 Russian Infantry, a stand-alone set of 6 Russian Infantry, a dashing set of 6 French Zouaves, a mounted companion set of The British Heavy Brigade and several notable vignette scenes. The whole range was discontinued about 5 years ago, although we continue to have stock available. The new sets in this Crimean range fit in with the old series, and stand by themselves as well. (Production year: 2007)
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