American Assault Set #2 | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Metal Toy Soldiers

Metal Toy Soldiers

American Assault Set #2 - mint sealed box
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American Assault Set #2 - mint sealed box (Painted resin corner section and 3 painted metal figures) Britains Metal Toy Soldiers | BRM17758 $225.00

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Material: Scale:
Our Collection of Painted Metal 58mm (1/30th) Matte Painted
Corner redoubt section measures 8" L x 8" D x 3.5" H. Part of Britain's Redoubt #10 series, which commemorates the daring night time raid undertaken by American and French forces on the last outlying British defenses at Yorktown, after which Cornwallis surrendered. (Production year: 2006) This oversized item weight 7-8 pounds and will require an extra shipping charge. We will let you know the amount we require before shipping.

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