Deluxe Marx Custer's Last Stand Playset | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

Deluxe Custer's Last Stand Playset
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Deluxe Custer's Last Stand Playset (225 pieces - with free domestic shipping) Playsets by TSC | TSCPCS03-061d $510.90$249.00

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)

This Little Big Horn Will Fill Your Dining Table!

When George Armstrong Custer attacked the combined tribes encamped along the Little Big Horn, he didn't reckon on finding the biggest Plains Indian camp ever assembled. Now you can refight this classic battle with a great selection of U.S. Cavalry and American Indian figures. This set includes a number of long-discontinued sets which no other toy soldier dealers have in stock. All sets in 54mm scale except 28 Airfix 51mm Indians and 28 Marx recast 60mm Indians.

7th Cavalry:
25 Marx recast dismounted 7th Cavalry
3 Marx recast Long Coat cavalrymen
10 BMC dismounted Cavalrymen

6 Britains Herald unpainted Foot Indians
4 Britains Herald unpainted Mounted Indians
28 Marx recast 60mm Indians
28 Airfix cloned Indians

3 Marx recast Galloping Cavalry Horses
72 Marx recast Cavalry Weapons and Accessories
1 Marx Waterfall and Rock Pool
4 Marx 60mm Horses
1 BMC Dead U.S. Cavalry Horse pierced with 3 arrows
20 Marx recast Dead trees, stumps, rocks
2 Fencibles Leafy Trees
2 Fencibles Multi-Colored Trees
1 Dulcop Indian Rug on a Frame
1 Dulcop Stretched Hide on a Frame
1 Dulcop Cooking Pot over a Camp Fire
1 Dulcop Cooking Animal over a Camp Fire
1 Dulcop Totem Pole
2 Timpo Teepees

Reusable playset box
Contents may vary. Our Free Playset Shipping offer applies to U.S. addresses only, using regular ground delivery. Click on the Ordering Information button at the top of any page for overseas and overnight shipping rates.

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