Deetail WWII American Bundle #1 - Sherman Attack | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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World War II Toy Soldier Bundles

Deetail WWII American Bundle #1 - Sherman Attack
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Deetail WWII American Bundle #1 - Sherman Attack (6 painted plastic figures and a painted metal American Sherman tank) Britains Retired Plastic | BRP000904a $171.00$119.70

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Material: Scale:
Painted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
The American Sherman tank was utilized by many allied armies in World War II, including the British and the Soviets. Produced in vast numbers, second only to the T-34, it was fast, mobile and served in every theater. This New Ray tank is one of their early efforts, and boasts a painted metal body. The 6 plastic American infantry accompanying the vehicle are rare 1st version Britains Deetail figures, hand-painted and with metal bases. All elements of this set are long-discontinued, but bundled this way we can offer a substantial discount. Figures are in excellent-mint condition (poses may vary from those shown in photo), the tank is in mint condition. Although originally designed to be a working model, we do not claim it is functional. (Figures from the 1970s, tank made in the early 2000s)

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