Confederate Infantry - Animated & Fully Painted | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Painted Plastic

Painted Plastic

Confederate Infantry - Animated & Fully Painted
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Confederate Infantry - Animated & Fully Painted (6 hand painted figures, 3 of them Marx Civil War conversions, one a retired Lido figure, 2 just painted Marx CSA infantry) Animated Figures by TSC | TSA027pa $99.00

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Material: Scale:
Painted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
We had our in-house artist convert some of these models using elements of figures by Marx Recast Confederates. 3 of the figures have had heads, arms and hands removed and reattached with a hot knife. We cut up soft plastic figures then reassembled the parts into all-new UNIQUE models this way. Then our in-house painter decorated them, plus a Lido figure, all in the uniform of a C.S.A. infantryman for our 54mm war games. Some bits of cardboard may be glued to their bases with hot glue. These bits are removable. This set is more expensive as it contains 2 full-painted flag bearers.

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