British Infantry #1 - dark red color mint in box | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

British Infantry #1 - dark red mib - low stock
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British Infantry #1 - dark red mib - low stock (20 figures in 10 poses, including "lost" pose - first version set, mint in box) Accurate Figures | AF02b $79.00

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
This mint-boxed set of British infantry is cast in dark red color. It is from the original production run of Accurate figures. The 20 figures include 2 of the "lost" pose (shown in the top row at left) of the soldier biting a cartridge before loading his musket. This box was originally purchased by us from Accurate in 1988 and has never been opened (we used a different one to shoot the photos).

Without a doubt the best Revolutionary War figures ever produced, Accurate's American and British Infantry have been the benchmark for this era since they were first released in 1988. They are unexcelled for their sculpting, attention to detail and variety of poses. They are the perfect complement to such other 1776 colonials as Marx, BMC, A Call to Arms, Armies in Plastic, Barzso and Classic's Alamo Texicans and Backwoodsmen.

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