Boonesboro Frontiersmen - 1st version | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

Boonesboro Frontiersmen - 1st version
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Boonesboro Frontiersmen - 1st version (25 figures in all 9 poses - red-brown soft plastic) Marx Recast Toy Soldiers | MX034c $49.95

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 54mm (1/32nd - about 2 1/4 inches high)
The famed "Boonesboro Frontiersmen" are among Marx's finest sculpts. They are the natural choice for French and Indian War, American Revolution, War of 1812, Alamo, frontier, western and Civil War setups. This particular set, cast in beautiful red-brown soft plastic, was the VERY FIRST attempt by Marx (Florida) to enter the toy soldier market. Prior to this, the company had only rented out molds. But here they made an earnest effort to produce best-quality figures for the mass market. UNFORTUNATELY, the company's then-owner quickly changed his mind about making a quality product and went from best-quality soft plastic to the lowest-end materials. It can be said that his poor business decision did manage to save him a penny or two per figure, but it was a short-sighted decision. His change of heart destroyed any chance he had of coming to dominate the emerging Marx recast market.

Please note: some of these 30+ year old figures may be damaged due to faulty molding procedures by the manufacturer. All figures are in original mint-fresh condition. Any damage is from the original production run. The set is sold as-is. Replacements or substitutions are unavailable.

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