Expeditionary Force Ancient Greece - Thracian Light Infantry | Best Selection of Plastic and Metal Toy Soldiers, Playsets and Accessories

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Unpainted Plastic

Unpainted Plastic

Ancient Thracian Light Infantry
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Ancient Thracian Light Infantry (9 unpainted soft plastic figures - red color.) Expeditionary Force | EXP60GRK07R $40.50

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Material: Scale:
Unpainted Plastic 60mm (about 2 3/8 inches high)

These ferocious light infantrymen come with an assortment of javelins, spears, swords and the curious long-bladed slashing weapon which was used to great effect by trained infantrymen to knock the heads off opposing troops' spears! The Thracians scorned armor, and used only wicker shields as protection, preferring mobility over heavy bronze. Each figure is composed of a body trunk with legs, onto which you glue a head, 2 arms, one or more weapons and possibly a shield, sword scabbard and/or cape. An arm with a trumpet is also included in case you want a musician to accompany your troops. Cavalry horses must be glued to their bases. Although it will take you about 2 minutes per figure to assemble these warriors, the resulting model will blow you away with its detail, dimensionality and fluidity of motion. (Use "Gorilla" Super Glue). Cast in red colored plastic, these figures are in perfect scale to Toy Soldiers of San Diego's and Fencibles' ancient-era figures.

Ancient Thrace was a Greek kingdom located north of Macedonia and relatively far to the northeast of Athens. It bordered the Black Sea and it's coastline also encompassed the entire length of the Bosphorus, with the site of Byzantium (modern Constantinople) in its extreme eastern corner. It also bordered on the Aegean, making it one of the great crossroads of the ancient world. Although it struggled to remain independent, Thrace was conquered and occupied by the Persians, who recruited contingents of their hardy light infantry and cavalry into their armies. Later, when Alexander the Great came to power, he "liberated " them from Persian rule and incorporated their troops into HIS armies. Later still, the country was conquered yet again by the Romans, who likewise used Thracian troops to good effect in their forces. The gladiator, Spartacus, was a Thracian.

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